14. Network Layer - Control Plane
- Forwarding: move packets from router’s input to router’s output → Data plane
- Routing: Determine where the packet should go.
Two approches to sturcture network control plane
- Per-router control (traditional)
- logically centralized control (SDN)
Routing Protocol
Let’s determine ‘good path’ for packet
“Good means…”
→ least cost
, least congested
, fastest
Actually, Routing algorithm is important only topology is given.
Then What is cost
(1) Fixed quantity
- Propagation delay
- Link length, hop count
- Speed, bandwidth
(2) variable quantity
- Average traffic
- Buffer occupancy
- Processing delay
- Error conditions
→ Nowdays, Google Map recommend the shortest path for user, not only giving information, but collect report from requesters and calculate possible congestion.
Why SDN?
→ Router with TCAM cannot perform multiple routing metrics (Hop count, bandwidth…) due to hardware of TCAM
↔ SDN can solve this problem!
Routing algorithm classification
- Global vs decentralized
- Global
- All router have complete. topology, link, and cost info
- Link state algorithm!
- Decentralized
- router can only know physically-connected neighbors
- iterative process to compute.
- distance vector algorithm
- Static vs Dynamic
- Static
- routes change slowly over time
- Dynamic
- route change more quickly
- periodic update
- link cost changes
- route change more quickly
Centralized vs Decentralized
Centralized Routing
- Calculates all path between source and destination
- Distribute routing information to all noes
- 단점: Single point of failure, complexity
Decentralized Routing
- Calculates per router. Each node exchanges information of cost.
- Keep exchanges until converges
- 단점: Convergence problem. It might not be an optimal (by delay)
Some definitions for Graph theory
: Sequence of node s.t. pairs are arcs of GPath
: A walk with no repeated- In SDN, there might be some firewall, so algorithm might fail due to controlled routes
: Connected if for each node, there exists a path to every other nodeTree
: Connected graph that contains no cycleSpanning Tree
: Tree that contains all nodes in G
Proof of Graph
G contains a spanning tree
|A| >= |N| -1
G is a tree ↔ A = N - 1
→ Prove by induction on n
Link state routing algorithm
Dijkstra algorithm
→ After k iterations, know least cost path to k destinations
- Some notations
- c(x, y) : cost from x to y. if not neighbored, infinite
- D(v): Current value of cost of path from source to v
- p(v): predecessor node along path
- N’ : set of nodes whose cost path known
N' = {u}
for all nodes v:
if v adjacent to u
then D(v) = c(u,v)
else D(v) = inf
1. find w not in N', such that D(w) is a minimum and add to N'
2. Update D(v) for all v adjacent to w, and not in N'
D(v) = min(D(v), D(w)+c(v,w)) # 그냥 가는 것과 w를 거쳐서 가는 것 중 더 짧은 것
3. Repeat this until all nodes in N'
Prove) If already - selected path is not a minimum → it causes cycle, or negative cost
- Algorithm complexity with n nodes
- need to check all nodes w → n(n-1)/2. nodes → O(n^2)
- can be achieved by O(nlogn)
- This might be slow because we have to collect all link-state before start!
- May cause oscillations.
- Can be solved by implementing more static system
→ Network does their best, but it will cause out-of-order problem and affect upper layer.
Distance vector algorithm
Bellman-Ford equation (DP!)
dx(y) = min { c(x, v) + dv(y) }
→ x에서 y까지 가는데의 최소비용은 x에서 v까지 가는데의 최소 비용과 v에서 y까지 가는데 최소 비용 중 최솟값이 있는 v에서 나온다.
이렇게 계산한 distance vector를 저장하고 있다가, 요청 시에 이웃에게 건네준다.
- Do not require the information beyond the neighbors
- Iterative, asynchoronous
- local iteration can caused by
- Local link cost change
- DV update message from neighbor
- local iteration can caused by
- Distributed
- Each node notifies neighbors only when its DV changes
Asynchronous system
- Simple; don’t have to find a straggler
Synchronous system
Can exchange data with recent information
All update executed in same timing
- Can converge to some point faster.
Have to define timing
- should define timing
- Should operate in discrete timing interval
- Heterogeneous performace, and need to adjust the slowest guy. (straggler)
If we have deadline converge time, synchronous might be useful.