
10. TCP

HDMI는 point to point 이지만 방해가 없어서 protocol이 필요 없다.

다른 신호에 의한 interrupt가 없기 때문이다.

여러개의 data-flow가 들어오는 상황에서는, protocol이 필요해진다.

그렇다면 switch를 어떻게 처리해야할까?

  1. give a switch knowledge
    • Good, but when the number of switches gets larger, we need to control all of them.
    • If we create a centralized control machine, it becomes a single point of failure.
    • This approach will be useful at an institutional level, such as with eduroam.
  2. Knowledge to end-host (with TCP protocol)
    • If data arrival slows down, we can reduce the data rate to control flow
    • This causes a fairness problem—we need to be neither too humble nor too greedy
    • Question: “Can it converge to the desired equilibrium?”


  • point-to-point
  • reliable, in-order
  • pipelined
  • full-duplex data
    • bi-directional (ACK와 data를 동시에)
    • MSS
  • flow-controlled
    • rhythm을 맞춘다.
    • maximum size of window!
  • connection-oriented

일반적인 TCP에서 seq #와 ACK #은 다음을 의미한다.

  • Sequence Number: First byte의 number
  • ACK: 현재 기대하고 있는 다음 byte

Estimating RTT

  • We need to set the timeout value longer than RTT, but RTT varies.
  • We use SampleRTT to estimate RTT!

EstimatedRTT = (1-a)*EstimatedRTT + a*SampleRTT

  • EWMA: Exponentially weighted moving average
  • Typically, a = 0.125 (to simplify calculations, using only shifting values)

a가 작다 - 기존거를 더 따르겠다.

a가 크다 - 현재꺼를 더 믿겠다.

→ a는 얼마나 파란색을 따라가는지, (fluctating 정도)를 나타낸다.

Then, we need a timeout interval

This consists of RTT plus a safety margin.

For largely fluctuating RTTs, we need a larger margin.

DevRTT = (1-b)DevRTT + b*(|SampleRTT-EstimatedRTT|)

TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT + 4*DevRTT

This assumes a normal distribution.

Consequently, this method is applicable only to internet traffic, not for specially optimized CPUs.

Fast retransmit

timeout은 실제로 매우 길다.

  • long delay for resending lost packet!

→ Detect lost packet via duplicated ACKs.

만약 3개가 duplicated 되었다면 timeout까지 기다리지 말고 바로 전송

TCP Congestion control

ACK clocking: ACK가 도착한 rhythm에 맞춰 다시 패킷을 보내는 것.

→ 다음 장에서 다시 설명

TCP flow control

→ Receiver의 buffer가 다 차지 않도록 sender가 조절할 수 있게 하는 것

sender가 보내는 data의 양은 bottleneck에 의한 데이터 최대양수신자의 능력 중 더 작은 값으로 결정된다.

Receiver는 자신의 상태(temperature, free buffer space size, movement 등)을 packet에 담아 보낸다.

→ cell tower에 전달되고, queue된다.


→ A 2-way handshake won’t work due to:

  • Variable delays
  • Retransmitted messages
  • Message reordering
  • Inability to see the other side

For example:

(1) If we request a connection but it times out, we might request again. If the first request succeeds after resending, and we terminate the connection between the second request and server establishment, a half-open connection will occur.

(2) If we resend a connection request and send (x+1) after establishment but before terminating, scenario (1) will happen. Additionally, the system might accept the (x+1) request sent before termination, causing a security problem.

3-way handshake

sender: SYN bit

receiver: SYN, ACK bit

sender: ACK bit → connected!

if ACK bit lost, this will not guarantee the connection, however this is the appropriate time with the tradeoff between connection-latency and reliable connection.

Closing connection

  • close connection by setting FIN bit to 1.

마치 잠수이별처럼 헤어지자고 통보하면, 조금 있다가 결과를 알려준다.

결과를 알려주고도 먼저 헤어지자고 통보한 사람은 2*(max segment lifetime)만큼 기다린다.

→ If last ACK lost, the receiver will not closed and keep sending FIN packet. So Initiator waits for reasonable time.

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